#百万积分第7季 ##护肤品 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation3f2b602d5387419 August is a month of hard work haha. I like to put on a mask when it's hot. 💦Blue Pills are super easy to use and must-have. 💦Too cool for school's egg mask I also like it very much, I stock up every time I get a chance. 💦Leaders are also kept at home. Like Blue Pills, you don’t need to think about it, you don’t have to delay in doing housework and bringing your baby. 💦SKII's ex-boyfriend has no disadvantages other than being expensive, so stock up on discounts. Looking at the hoarding drawer, I have to work harder! Hey-hey
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yami_featured_image # 百万积分第7季 ## 护肤品 # # 清透妆容 # 八月是勤奋的一个月哈哈。天热就喜欢敷面膜。 💦蓝药丸超级好用,必备。 💦Too cool for school的鸡蛋面膜我也很喜欢,每次有机会都囤。 💦Leaders也是家中常备,和蓝药丸一样,不用多想,做家务带娃都不耽误。 💦SKII前男友除了贵也没缺点,有折扣就囤。 看着囤货抽屉,我还得加把劲儿!嘿嘿