# 百万积分第7季 # I didn't make moon cakes this Mid-Autumn Festival, I accidentally made a basket of zongzi 😂 Highly recommend the Bamboo Leaves of the Timely Brand! ! Ask Yami to restock! There should be more than 100 pieces of bamboo leaves in a pack, so it's cool to wrap zongzi directly. This time I packaged three flavors, the king oyster mushroom chicken, beef xo sauce, the third one is my childhood memory - bean dumplings (see Figure 3, 6), very popular in our Jiangnan area, I especially loved it when I was a child~ Zongzi is actually quite simple to make, mainly: 🔘Soak glutinous rice for more than 3 hours 🔘Marinate chicken, beef and king oyster mushrooms with dark soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, sugar and oyster sauce for more than 5 hours, preferably overnight 🔘Soak red beans for more than 3 hours 🔘 Soak the zong leaves for more than 3 hours, then cook for 5 minutes to strengthen the toughness. Other ingredients are not as good as salted egg yolk, chestnuts, candied dates, red bean paste, meat floss, etc. You can buy ready-made. The dumplings I made this time have two shapes: cone-shaped and traditional triangular. The triangle has not been photographed, and two bamboo leaves are needed; the awl shape is the easiest, as long as one bamboo leaf is used, it is very suitable for bean dumplings. The specific package method is shown in Figure 5. If the zongzi is raw, it can be stored at room temperature for 1-2 days, and it is best to cook it. Cooked dumplings can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 week, or in the freezer for a month. Boil the dumplings for more than half an hour. The freshly wrapped dumplings are really delicious! The whole house is filled with the fragrance of zongye leaves.
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yami_featured_image # 百万积分第7季 # 今年中秋没做月饼,意外做了一篮粽子😂 强烈推荐合时牌的竹叶!!求亚米补货啊补货!一包里面应该有100多片竹叶吧,直接包粽子包到爽。 这次我包了三种口味,杏鲍菇鸡肉、牛肉xo酱,第三款是我小时候的记忆—豆粽(见图3、6),在我们江南一带很流行,我小时候特别爱~ 粽子其实做法挺简单的,主要就是: 🔘糯米泡3小时以上 🔘鸡肉、牛肉、杏鲍菇用老抽、料酒、盐、糖、蚝油腌制5小时以上,最好过夜 🔘红豆浸泡3小时以上 🔘粽叶浸泡3小时以上,然后煮5分钟,加强韧性。 其他食材不如咸蛋黄、栗子、蜜枣、红豆沙、肉松等都可以买现成的。 我这次包的粽子形状有两种:锥子型和传统三角形。 三角形没有拍到,需要用到两片竹叶;锥子型最简单,只要用到一片竹叶,很适合包豆粽。具体包法见图5。 做好的粽子生的话可以常温下可以放置1-2天,最好是煮起来。煮完的粽子可以放冷藏室1周,或者冷冻室一个月。煮粽子主要煮半小时以上。 刚包好的粽子煮起来真的好香!满屋子都是粽叶香。