# 百万积分第7季 # The three long-established TOMOMASU soft drinks have always grown grass because of their appearance. I saw Yami’s discount to about 2 dollars, so I added three flavors, peach, honeydew and watermelon. I tried the white peach flavor today, and I was amazed at the first sip! It's really completely different from ordinary flavored sodas, and the peach flavor in it is very real! The sweetness is not high, it is very refreshing to drink, and there is no sticky feeling in the mouth after drinking. It won't make you thirsty like a lot of sodas. This white peach soda also goes well with lime. The sweetness of white peach matches the slightly sourness of lime, which is simply too refreshing. I will definitely stock up on this white peach soda, and I recommend everyone to try it!
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yami_featured_image # 百万积分第7季 # 三款种草已久的TOMOMASU家的汽水,一直因为颜值长草,看到亚米打折到2刀左右,于是入了三个口味,桃子味、蜜瓜味和西瓜味。 今天试喝了白桃味,第一口就被惊艳!真的是完全和一般调味汽水不一样,里面的桃子味很真实!甜度不高,喝起来非常爽口,喝完嘴里没有黏腻感。也不会像很多汽水一样越喝越渴。 这款白桃汽水还和青柠很搭,白桃的香甜搭配青柠的微酸,简直就是太爽。 这款白桃汽水我肯定会囤货的,也推荐大家试试!