#亚米食谱 ##燃烧卡路里大作战 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation5fff627d6e7b4d159378 【Mixed with yuba with fungus】 A very refreshing summer side dish. After the fungus has been soaked, boil it and put it in cold water. The fresh yuba I bought can be washed and washed, the water is squeezed clean, and it is not delicious when it is wet. Seasoning: add salt, sugar, balsamic vinegar, pepper oil, sesame oil and light soy sauce according to taste, chili oil or Laoganma etc. Simple and delicious! In summer, I basically have a small salad every day. As a result, I forgot to take pictures of the finished product☁️…
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# 亚米食谱 ## 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 百万积分第7季 # 【木耳拌腐竹】 非常爽口的夏季小凉菜。 木耳泡发后煮沸烫一下,过凉水。 腐竹我买的新鲜腐竹洗洗就行,水挤干净,湿乎乎不好吃。 调料:按口味加入盐、糖、香醋、花椒油、香油和生抽,辣椒油或老干妈之类的也随便加。 简单好吃!夏天我基本每天都一个小拌凉菜。 结果成品忘记照相了☁️……