Mask punch card - today's mask is the public's little lover Skin management is a blue pill that can be "medicated" without the need for symptomatic treatment The blue pill mask contains medical moisturizing ingredients, aloe vera has a calming and moisturizing effect, and phytocides are added. The three ingredients are perfectly matched.. Ultra-fine fibers, silk have strong fit, and the essence is rich and super hydrating! It is also said to be suitable for sensitive skin. My request for the mask is as long as moisturizing, moisturizing, and calming. Of course, it would be better if it can whiten. The blue pill mask paper is very compliant. For me, the mask paper is slightly larger, with strong fit and comfortable touch! The taste is light, there is no irritation, it is very refreshing after application, and the moisturizing ability is really not blowing. When the skin is dehydrated and dry, take one tablet, and it will not feel dry after two days. Use one box to repurchase three boxes for sure It is none other than it, repurchase for ten thousand years! It is also a popular mask in the drying area, with an anti-counterfeiting mark on the back~ The small black strip on this anti-counterfeiting mark can't see anything under normal conditions~ But if you put the magnet behind you, you can see the color change of the magnetic strip. , I haven't tried it so far, and I haven't experienced any discomfort after using it for so long. When Yami is doing activities, it's the best time to stock up. Have you applied the mask today? # 清透妆容 # # 开学第一单 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation33cce34acc6659c52874
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yami_featured_image 面膜打卡-今日份面膜是大众小情人 肌肤管理不用对症都可以随便下“药”的蓝药丸 蓝药丸面膜含有医学保湿成分,芦荟镇定保湿效果另外添加植物杀菌素,三种成分完美配.. 超细微纤维,蚕丝贴合性强,精华液丰富超强补水!据说敏感肌也适用. 我对面膜的诉求只要保湿补水镇定,当然如果能美白就更好了.蓝药丸面膜纸非常服帖,对我来说面膜纸略大,贴合性强 ,触感舒适!味道淡,没有任何刺激感,敷完非常清爽,补水能力真的不是吹的,皮肤缺水干燥的时候来上一片,一片下来两天都不会觉得皮肤干.用一盒回购三盒肯定非它莫属,万年回购!也是晒货区大红大火的一款面膜,后面带着防伪标识~ 这个防伪标上的小黑条在正常状态下什么都看不出来~但是把磁铁放到背后 可以看到磁条有颜色的变化 ,至今为止还没试过,用了这么久不曾出现过不适状态,亚米做活动时便是最佳囤货好时机.今天的面膜你敷了吗?# 清透妆容 # # 开学第一单 # # 百万积分第7季 #