# 清透妆容 # # 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 # recently bought very much like a Xiumei Dao. Super mini super good to get started. Kai is the home of this 🔜🔜. Installed a pack of three. Less than 5 knife price 👍🏻 👍🏻 It is different from the traditional eyebrow trimmer. It is not a long-shaped razor blade. It is like a reduced version of the underarm shaving knife. It is very cute and easy to control. The blue color is also very high! And the handle is soft. The comfort in the hand is excellent. This shape of the blade will be easy to control. Whether brushing the stray hairs on the brow or between the eyebrows. Or the stray hairs between the eyebrows are very practical. When using it for the first time, still pay attention to keeping the skin moisturizing. Otherwise, the skin will be red after shaving!
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yami_featured_image # 清透妆容 # # 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 #最近买的很喜欢的一款修眉刀.超迷你超级好上手.就是贝印家的这款🔜🔜.一包三支装.不到5刀的价格👍🏻👍🏻 与传统的修眉刀不同.它不是长形状的刮刀片.而是像缩小版的刮腋毛刀.很可爱很好掌控.蓝色的颜值也很高呀!而且手柄处是软的.握在手上的舒适度极好. 这种形状的刀片会好控制.无论刷眉头的杂毛还是眉眼之间的.或者两眉之间的杂毛都很实用。第一次使用的时候,还是的注意保持皮肤的滋润度.不然刮完皮肤会红的哟!