A very delicious snack, like sugar but not sugar, try it and you will love it Many friends have recommended this snack, and they all say that it is very good! Later, when I found out that it was sugar, I was not very interested... But seeing the comments are still very high, I plan to try it out in a pack! As soon as you open it, there is a strong fruity smell! This one comes in many flavors, I buy the purple grape flavor! Really like purple grapes, such a strong purple grape flavor, like sugar but not sugar, as soft as grapes! One bite and a mouthful of grape flavor! Sweet and sour, very delicious! It really tastes like the name candy ❤️ Next time I will buy a few more and try it out, our baby loves it too ❤️
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非常好吃的一款小零食,像糖又不是糖,试过会爱上 好多朋友都推荐这款零食,都说很不错! 后来一看发现是糖就兴趣不大…… 但是看到评论还是很高,又打算入一包试试看! 刚打开就有一股浓浓的果香味! 这个有多种口味,我买紫葡萄味! 真的如紫葡萄一样,好浓的紫葡萄味,像糖又不是糖,软软的如葡萄一般! 一咬一去满嘴的葡萄味!酸酸甜甜的,非常好吃! 果真如名字一般味觉糖❤️ 下次多买几款试试看,我们家宝贝也很喜欢❤️