❥Mom Noodles is from Taiwan. Because the founder is fond of spicy food, there is a well-known restaurant, Mom’s exquisite hot pot, which is famous in Taiwan for its spicy hot pot. Originally, this spicy noodles was only a gourmet snack that regular customers in the restaurant would order. The unique flavor and enticing flavor of the spicy sauce is paired with the Dian Q Guan noodles and knife-cut noodles. ❥ I bought the hot and sour flavor. Its noodles are traditional Guanmiao noodles, not knife-cut noodles. The sauce package is similar to Zeng noodles, which is a bit simple. You can add seasonings yourself. Although I am a southerner, the spiciness of this hot and sour taste is really not enough ~ the vinegar and sweet sauce packets are very appetizing in summer! The noodles are thick enough and chewy enough. I think it's a bit sweet, but I'll try the spicy one next time🤓 Purchased at Yamibuy's Anniversary, $8.99 four-pack # 五行缺辣 ## 被二哥种草了 # # 亚米食谱 # # 消灭0评晒 #
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yami_featured_image ❥老妈拌面来自台湾,因创办人嗜麻辣美食,旗下有一知名餐厅老妈精致火锅,以麻辣锅闻名全台,原本此麻辣拌面只为餐厅内熟客才会点的美食小品,但因风味独特,香味诱人的麻辣酱搭配弹Q关面刀削面,让人欲罢不能,成为台湾及游客最爱的台湾美食之一。 ❥我买的是酸辣口味的,它的面是传统关庙面,而不是刀削面,酱料包跟曾拌面差不多,有点单一,自己可以加佐料 虽然我是南方人,但这酸辣口味的辣度真的不太够哦~陈醋加上甜甜的酱料包,夏天吃倒是很开胃!面条够粗,嚼劲还不错。我觉得偏甜了点,不过下次会买麻辣味的试试🤓 购于亚米周年庆,$8.99四包入 # 五行缺辣 ## 被二哥种草了 # # 亚米食谱 # # 消灭0评晒 #