Bento record 📝 Garlic vermicelli vermicelli 🐟 ——————————————— Longli fish 🐟 has no bones and is delicious~ Such perfect ingredients must have super delicious practices~ 🤫 Today, I will give you Amway this delicious steamed fish~ The combination of minced garlic and fans will definitely make you love it~ • Dragon Fish 200g • A bundle of Longkou fans • a spoonful of minced garlic • Chopped green onion in moderation • Appropriate amount of millet pepper Step1. First, soak the soft Longkou vermicelli in hot water. Then cut the longli fish into strips and marinate for 20 minutes or overnight with a small amount of salt ➕ a spoon of steamed fish soy sauce ➕ a spoon of cooking wine ➕ appropriate amount of starch ➕ a little white pepper. Step2. Prepare a spoonful of minced garlic ➕ a spoonful of steamed fish soy sauce ➕ a spoonful of oyster sauce ➕ a half spoon of cooking oil and mix well. After the soaked vermicelli is placed on a plate, pour in half of the sauce and stir, then spread the marinated Longli fish, boil a pot of hot water and steam the fish for 15 minutes. Step3. Sprinkle chopped green onion and millet pepper after the steamed fish is out of the pot, heat an appropriate amount of hot oil and pour it on top. The hot oil can be omitted depending on personal preference. If you are afraid of too much oil or do not eat spicy, you can omit it~ # 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 # # 亚米食谱 # # 五行缺辣 #
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便当记录📝蒜蓉粉丝龙利鱼🐟 ———————————————— 龙利鱼🐟没有骨头肉质鲜美~ 如此完美食材必须有超好吃的做法~ 🤫 今天给大家安利这道好吃到停不下的蒸鱼~ 加上蒜茸和粉丝的配搭绝对让你爱不释口~ • 龙利鱼 200g • 龙口粉丝 一捆 • 蒜茸 一勺 • 葱花 适量 • 小米椒 适量 Step1. 首先用热水泡软龙口粉丝。再将龙利鱼切成条状用少量的盐➕一勺蒸鱼豉油➕一勺料酒➕适量淀粉➕少许白胡椒粉腌制20分钟或者过夜。 Step2.准备一勺蒜茸➕一勺蒸鱼豉油➕一勺蚝油➕半勺食用油混合均匀。泡软的粉丝装盘后倒入一半的酱汁翻拌再铺上腌制好的龙利鱼,烧一锅热水沸腾后蒸鱼15分钟即可。 Step3.蒸好的鱼出锅后撒上葱花和小米椒,烧适量热油泼再上面。泼热油可省略看个人喜好,如果怕太油或者不吃辣可以不加~ # 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 # # 亚米食谱 # # 五行缺辣 #