#五行缺辣# #The second brother planted grass##亚米食谱# I've been crazy lately and love to eat spicy food. It doesn't feel like anything spicy. Hahaha Some people say this is not that spicy, who said that? It's also very spicy👌This degree of spiciness is barely acceptable 😂 It's really spicy and spicy😆 I like the taste, but it will be so spicy that I lose my sense of taste 😂 Later, I only put half a bag of hot sauce, I really can't do it hahahaha A packet of hot sauce and a packet of cheese powder, no other ingredients Add water to the pot and boil it, add the noodles, cook for about 3 minutes if you like firmer, and for 5 minutes if you like softer, take out the noodles, drain and pour into a bowl, then add hot sauce and cheese powder, sprinkle with chopped green onion, I am today I specially added sesame oil, which made it more fragrant and less spicy! Add everything and mix well! I didn’t add any ham meat today because of the trouble. I used sausage or ham before. It has a very strong cheese fragrance. After adding cheese powder, it will become sticky. If you don’t like it, you can add less! If you can't eat such a spicy one, add half a bag of hot sauce first, it's not enough to continue! If you like spicy food, add whatever you want💪
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yami_featured_image #五行缺辣# #被二哥种草##亚米食谱# 最近发疯爱吃点辣的东西,没有辣的感觉都少一点什么哈哈哈 有人说这款没有那么辣,谁说的?也是好辣👌这个辣度感觉勉强接受😂真的辣辣辣辣辣😆 味道很喜欢,倒是会辣到失去了味觉😂 后来都只放半包辣酱,我真的做不到哈哈哈哈 一包辣酱和一包芝士粉,没有其他配料了 锅里加入水烧开加入面饼,喜欢硬一点的大约煮3分钟,软一点5分钟,把面捞出沥干水份倒入碗中,然后加入辣酱和芝士粉,撒上葱花,我今天特意加了麻油,加了麻油后更香了,辣度也减低了一些!全部加好搅拌均匀就可以了! 我今天嫌麻烦没有加任何火腿肉这些,之前都加香肠或火腿,非常浓郁的芝士香,加入芝士粉后会变的黏糊,如果不喜欢可以少加点! 不能吃那么辣的先加半包的辣酱包,不够在继续! 喜欢吃辣的,随便加💪