# 开学第一单 # # 亚米食谱 # # 五行缺辣 # salt and pepper shrimp ingredients: 🍃🍃 prawns, Laoganma chopped hot pepper, onion, ginger, garlic, salt and pepper powder, chicken, sugar, cooking wine 🌹 practice: 🍃🍃 1, the handle Put the prawns on a plate, put some cooking wine, black pepper, ginger, and starch to marinate. 2. Ginger shredded, garlic sliced, green onion cut into sections for use. Wash some enoki mushrooms as a side dish. 3. Take out the oil pan, put more oil, wait for the oil temperature to rise, pour in the fried shrimps in Jiwei, the color changes and there is no moisture, pick up and drain the oil. The remaining oil is poured out and can be used for other dishes. 4. Leave a little oil in the pot and stir-fry ginger shreds, green onions, red pepper shreds, and garlic slices, then pour in the marinated shrimp, sprinkle with salt and pepper powder, and Laoganma's red pepper, monosodium glutamate, and a little sugar. all
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# 开学第一单 # # 亚米食谱 # # 五行缺辣 # 椒盐虾 食材:🍃🍃大虾,老干妈剁辣椒,葱段,姜丝,蒜,椒盐粉,鸡精,糖,料酒 🌹做法:🍃🍃 1、将处理好的虾放进盘子里,放点料酒、黑胡椒粉、姜颗、淀粉腌制一下。 2、姜切丝,蒜切片,葱切段备用。洗了点金针菇当配菜用。 3、起油锅,油要多放点,等油温升高了,倒入基围虾炸之变色、没有水分了,捞起沥油。剩余的油倒出,可以做其他的菜。 4、锅里稍微留点油煸炒姜丝、葱段、红辣椒丝、蒜片,然后倒入腌好的虾,撒上椒盐粉、还有老干妈的红辣椒、味精、一点糖翻均