🎉Finally bought 【Guilin Rice Noodles】and 【Hunting Rice Noodles】! 🎉 Every time I put together an order to buy it is out of stock, this time I rarely see two in stock, so I place an order decisively! Finally received it! 🎉By the way, I will show the cabinets and snack boxes that make me feel at ease and satisfied. Every time I see these delicious food, I am very happy 🥳 🎉Ready to eat~ 亚米食谱
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🎉终于买到【桂林米粉】和【勾魂米线】啦! 🎉每次凑好单要买的时候都没货,这次难得看见两个都有货,果断下单!终于收到啦! 🎉顺便晒晒我家让我非常安心满足的柜子和零食箱子,每次看到这些好吃的我就非常开心🥳 🎉准备吃起来啦~ # 亚米食谱 # # 五行缺辣 # # 亚米开箱 #