New York Chinatown Food 🌟| 🐻Taiwan Bear House 11 Pell St, NEW YORK 🐻 I wanted to check in when the house first opened~ But I haven't met the right time until I ate it yesterday 😂 I ordered a takeaway of "Nostalgic Railway Bento" 🍱~ I think this portion is too much to finish. The pork chop with a lot of sauce tastes ok but a little salty! If the soy sauce flavor can be a little lighter, it will be more delicious~ The meat sauce is moderately salty. It is very fragrant and delicious for bibimbap. 😋 It's just that the rice is a little hard, maybe it's cold because of the takeaway~ The braised dried bean curd is five-flavored, and it is salty after being braised again. Braised eggs have a little tea fragrance, just like domestic tea eggs~ Overall, the taste is quite satisfactory, and it's okay to eat it once in a while~ # 三食三餐 # # 美食推荐 # # 纽约吃喝玩乐 # # 百万积分第7季 ## 地域美食攻略 #
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纽约唐人街美食 🌟| 🐻Taiwan Bear House 坐标 11 Pell St, NEW YORK 🐻屋刚开业的时候就想去打卡~ 但是一直没碰上对的时间昨天才吃上😂 我叫了份“怀旧铁路便当”🍱的外卖~ 这一份的份量我觉得是蛮多的没吃完。 配料很多酱猪排味道OK但是偏咸了点! 如果酱油味可以再淡一点点会更好吃~ 肉酱咸味适中用来拌饭很香很好吃😋 就是米饭有点硬大概是因为外卖所以凉了~ 卤豆干是五香味的又再卤了一遍也是偏咸。 卤蛋有一点茶叶清香就像国内的茶叶蛋~ 总体来说味道就中规中矩偶尔吃一次还行吧~ # 三食三餐 # # 美食推荐 # # 纽约吃喝玩乐 # # 百万积分第7季 ## 地域美食攻略 #