Bento Records 📝 New Orleans Grilled Wings ✖️ Mashed Potatoes 🥔 Salad 🥗 🌟 New Orleans Grilled Wings One packet of McCormick's roasted wings seasoning powder ➕ 30g mixed with ice water The chicken wings are coated with powder and marinated overnight, and the oven is preheated at 190 degrees for 10 minutes~ Brush the two sides of the chicken wings with honey and bake for a few minutes before they are baked. It's super delicious 😋 🌟 mashed potatoes 🥔 salad 🥗 Diced ham, corn kernels, boil over water, remove the spare potatoes and steam them~ Add a small amount of milk ➕ black pepper ➕ salt ➕ mayonnaise and mix well! 🌟 Braised broccoli🥦 Wash and cut broccoli into small florets, blanch in water, cook and remove from cold water~ A small amount of steamed fish sauce in a bowl ➕ a little sugar ➕ salt 🧂 Sauté minced garlic and millet pepper in hot oil and pour on broccoli 🥦 # 亚米食谱 # # 下厨秘密武器 # # 三食三餐 # # 五行缺辣 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 #
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便当记录📝 新奥尔良烤翅✖️土豆泥🥔沙拉🥗 🌟 新奥尔良烤翅 一包味好美烤翅调料粉➕30g冰水混合 鸡翅裹上料粉腌制过夜烤箱预热190度10分钟~ 出炉前鸡翅的两面刷上蜂蜜烤几分钟超级好吃😋 🌟 土豆泥🥔沙拉🥗 火腿切丁玉米粒煮熟过水捞出备用土豆蒸熟~ 加入少量牛奶➕黑胡椒➕盐➕美乃滋拌匀! 🌟 凉拌西兰花🥦 西兰花洗净切小朵焯水煮熟捞出过凉水~ 碗里少量蒸鱼豉油➕一点点糖➕盐🧂 热油下蒜茸和小米椒爆香淋在西兰花上🥦 # 亚米食谱 # # 下厨秘密武器 # # 三食三餐 # # 五行缺辣 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 #