# 不吃零食浑身难受 # # 零食控 #This snack is really delicious. I bought the seaweed flavor this time. The biscuits are very crispy, and they will make a bang when you bite them. They are very fragrant and not too sweet. I like them very much. There are 6 packs in a box, and there are two pieces in each pack, which is not enough to stick between the teeth. I finally understand why others are taking ten packs at a time!
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yami_featured_image # 不吃零食浑身难受 # # 零食控 #这个零食真的超好吃。我这次买的是海苔味,饼干很脆,咬下去会嘎嘣一声,而且很香,不会太甜,很喜欢。一盒里面有6包,每包里面有两片,不够塞牙缝。终于明白别人为什么要一次拿十包了!