# 换季护肤 ## 消灭0晒单 #This year's head medicine can't be stopped, and I have started taking new 💊, Fancl vitamin B group and vitamin C, which are said to relieve stress and eliminate Too much! I'm satisfied with just one of them! Zip-lock sealed bag, each pack is a month's amount, I have been taking it for two days, two capsules a day for group B, I take it in the morning and lunch, and three capsules of vitamin C each time at night, all after meals, no fights Ha, the pills are small and easy to swallow, awesome! The skin is the most sensitive during the changing seasons, so I use it both externally and internally, and I will share my eating experience when I finish eating.
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# 换季护肤 ## 消灭0晒单 #这年头药不能停,这两天开始吃新💊了,Fancl维生素B群和维生素C,据说能缓解压力,祛痘,消化肠胃,祛斑,还能排毒,美容又养颜功效太多了!我只要有其一就很满足了!夹链式封口袋,每包都是一个月的量,已经吃两天了,B群每天两粒,我分早午吃,维生素C每次三粒晚上吃,都是饭后食用,不打架哈,药丸粒小易吞食,超赞!换季时节皮肤最敏感,外用内服两把抓哈,等我吃完再来分享食用心得.