Morinaga Cocoa Milk 🥛✖️🍫 Nitto Black Tea Chocolate Milk I originally didn't like chocolate 🤭 I drank an oatmeal cocoa milk in a milk tea shop a few days ago~ Then I couldn't help myself from the taste! ! Now that the weather is getting cooler, drink a cup of hot cocoa for breakfast to warm up! I bought two and made them to compare their personal tastes~ 🌟 Morinaga Cocoa Milk🥛 This is more famous and rich in plant polyphenol dietary fiber. I like to use milk for the milk tea products I usually drink~ This is of course no exception. Drinking cocoa with milk is quite pure and not too sweet. Change it to hot water and brew it. Personally, I don’t like it if it’s a little bitter~ 🌟 Nitto black tea chocolate milk🍫 Comparing the two, I would prefer the cocoa milk used by Mori~ Nitto’s brewed with milk The chocolate flavor is more light milk flavor, and the hot water brewing will still be too sweet. The chocolate flavor is not prominent enough, but it is still more sweet, so it is not recommended! However, both of them are not high in calories, so they are very safe to drink. # 被二哥种草了 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 开学第一单 #
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森永可可牛奶🥛✖️🍫日东红茶巧克力牛奶 我本来是很不喜欢巧克力的🤭 前几天在奶茶店里喝到一款燕麦可可牛奶~ 然后就对这个味道吸引的无法自拔!! 现在天气转凉早餐喝一杯热可可超暖身! 我买到了两款做了一下比较个人口味不同~ 🌟 森永可可牛奶🥛 这款比较出名还富含植物多酚膳食纤维 我平时喝冲泡的奶茶类产品都喜欢用牛奶~ 这个当然也不例外泡牛奶喝可可味蛮纯不太甜 换热水冲泡个人觉得有点微苦就不太喜欢~ 🌟 日东红茶巧克力牛奶🍫 对比两者我会更喜欢森用的可可牛奶~ 日东的用牛奶冲泡巧克力味偏淡奶味偏重 用热水冲泡还是会太甜巧克力味还是不够突出 反而还是更偏向了甜味居多所以不太推荐! 不过两者的卡路里都不高还是喝着挺放心的。 # 被二哥种草了 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 开学第一单 #