# 小資女 # # 囤貨 # # 護膚不能停 # # 换季护肤 # # 折扣就立刻囤貨 #
Take advantage of the big turntable to turn the discount! Immediately continue 囤貨 up! Fortunately, I immediately place an order when I see something I like, because it is often out of stock! I have to swipe three yamibuy apps a day to check if they have arrived! Sometimes I see that my favorite skin care products are in stock, as if I won a lottery 🤣
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# 小資女 # # 囤貨 # # 護膚不能停 # # 换季护肤 # # 折扣就立刻囤貨 #
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Yami Official
October 14, 2019
Dear, thank you for coming to the list board to post your list~ Here I will share with you a few selected tips to make it easier to improve and get more points and rewards! I want to select (four conditions) 1. At least two pictures~ The overall picture of the good thing should be better, and the detail picture should be more divided~2. The picture should be clear and beautiful, with a beautiful shooting background and props. 3. A few more sentences Express your feelings and experience clearly in words. 4. Adding corresponding product tags/topic tags can win more points ps.
亲亲 感谢你来晒单板块晒单哦~在这里跟你分享几个精选小技巧 更容易加精获得更多积分奖励哦!我要上精选 (四个条件)1. 至少两张图~好物整体图要有,细节图更加分哦~2. 图片要清晰美观、有精美的拍摄背景和道具更加分3. 多几句文字表达清楚自己的使用感受和心得4. 添加对应商品tag/话题标签 可以赢得更多积分 ps 不可以多加 乱加哦~