When I placed the order, I couldn't hold back and ordered another drink, and I went further and further on the road of gaining weight 🤦🏻‍♀️ Bought a bunch of snacks from my own memories. Delicious and 3+2 have not been eaten for several years. I remember that when I was hungry in junior high school, it was a box of biscuits and a box of yogurt, so by the way, I hope to have some yogurt 🙋🏻 Langweixian and Xiaoxiaosu have not been tired of eating for so many years, they really love snacks. Miaofu has never eaten it, just bought it to try it🥴 I am very happy with Yimei's egg roll, but it is quite expensive according to the price, and if you eat too much, you will get tired. The puffs are also delicious, you can eat a box of them for a long time while watching the drama 🤣
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下单的时候没忍住又下了点饮料,在变胖的道路上越走越远🤦🏻‍♀️ 买了一堆我自己回忆里的零食。好吃点和3+2都是好几年没吃过的了,记得以前初中的时候饿了就是一盒饼干一盒优酸乳美滋滋,那么顺便就希望啥时候能上点优酸乳了🙋🏻浪味仙和小小酥这么多年了都没吃腻,是真爱零食了。妙芙没吃过,单纯就是买来尝尝的🥴 义美这个蛋卷我超喜,就是按价格算起来挺贵的而且吃多了会腻。泡芙也挺好吃的,看剧的时候摸一盒可以吃好半天🤣