# 火锅永远吃不腻 # The fifth bullet of professional hot pot: pickled cabbage white meat pot and Taiwanese spicy hot pot The two pot bases learned from Taiwan Dingwang are suitable for children who are not particularly fond of spicy food or get angry like me. They are very simple and have a high success rate. A bag of pickled cabbage and sliced and fried pork belly can be stewed. Pork belly and blood tofu with three tablespoons of cooking wine, a few sections of scallions, a little pepper, three tablespoons of sugar, and a third of a bottle of Laoganma to boil.
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# 火锅永远吃不腻 # 专业吃火锅第五弹:酸菜白肉锅和台式麻辣锅 两个从台湾鼎王学来的锅底,适合不是特别能吃辣或者像我一样上火的孩子,特别简单,成功率赛高。 酸白菜一袋和切薄炒香的五花肉片炖煮即可。 猪肚和血豆腐加料酒三大勺,葱白几段,胡椒少许,糖三大勺,配老干妈三分之一瓶煮开即可。