# 换季护肤 # 🌹🌹 Korea JAYJUN Trilogy Water Light Injection Black Mask, a must for stocking. I can't help it, autumn is the season when it's dry enough to not have too many masks. You have to stock up a lot. You can't panic if you have food at home. Isn't autumn the rhythm of one or two masks a day?😂😂 🌹🌹 Korea JAYJUN Trilogy Hydrating Injection Black Mask, each mask is composed of three parts: cleansing, essence, mask, which has the effect of deep moisturizing, brightening skin tone and firming skin. The mask contains Jeju lava seawater, sodium hyaluronate, ceramide, beta-glucan, adenosine, niacinamide and other ingredients to help replenish the skin's energy, resist external damage, and make the skin firm, fresh and elastic. The first cleanser contains mild papaya extract to deeply cleanse the skin, and the second essence contains niacinamide and glands to brighten the complexion while promoting the absorption of the subsequent mask. And the black mask has multiple moisturizing ingredients, it is really full of moisture! 🌹🌹I have used several tablets, and I really feel that it is very moisturizing. Other whitening or other effects will not be visible for a while, but the moisturizing effect is great, I still recommend it😄😄
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yami_featured_image # 换季护肤 # 🌹🌹 韩国JAYJUN 三部曲水光针剂黑面膜,囤货必须的。没办法啊,秋天就是干燥到多少面膜也不嫌多的季节呀,必须多多多多的囤货呀,家里有粮心里才能不慌呀🤣🤣秋天可不就是每天一到两个面膜的节奏吗😂😂 🌹🌹 韩国JAYJUN 三部曲水光针剂黑面膜,每个面膜都是三个部分组成:洁面,精华,面膜,具有深度保湿,提亮肤色,紧致肌肤的作用。面膜中蕴含济州岛熔岩海水、透明质酸钠、神经酰胺、β-葡聚糖、腺苷、烟酰胺等成分,帮助补充肌肤能量,抵御外界伤害,让肌肤变得紧致鲜活有弹性。第一步的洁面乳内含温和木瓜提取物,可以深层清洁肌肤,第二步的精华内含烟酰胺和腺,提亮肤色,同时促进后续面膜吸收。而黑面膜具有多重补水成分,真的满满满满的水分! 🌹🌹我已经用了好几片了,真的觉得挺补水的,其他美白或者什么功效一时半会看不出来,可是补水效果杠杠的,还是很推荐哒😄😄