# 火锅永远吃不腻 # To eat hot pot, you must have Jia Duo Bao or chrysanthemum tea... Defeat the fire and relieve tiredness! Before I knew it, I bought and ate so many hot pot bases! Hot pot bases currently appearing in hot pot restaurants include bone soup base, fish soup base, chicken soup base and so on. Bone thick soup hot pot base is fragrant and high in nutrients; fish soup base, fish, has the effect of improving eyesight, and fish soup has a nourishing effect; chicken soup base is clear, fragrant, and not easy to get angry. There are also some hot pot bases specifically aimed at women, such as pigeon soup bases, which nourish yin.
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# 火锅永远吃不腻 # 吃火锅一定要有加多宝或是菊花茶哦…败火解腻!不知不觉间竟然买了吃了这么多火锅底料! 火锅底料目前在火锅店里出现的有骨头浓汤底料、鱼汤底料、仔鸡汤底料等。 骨头浓汤火锅底料浓香,营养成分高;鱼汤底料,鱼,明目作用,鱼汤有滋补作用;仔鸡汤底料,清谈、香、不易上火。还有一些专门针对女性的火锅底料,如鸽子汤底料,滋阴作用。