# #Meco玩真的# ## 今天也是yami的一天 # It's been a month since I came to LA, and I finally came to Santa Monica Beach to check in! 🤪 The most comfortable thing is to sit on the soft beach, hold a cup of meco lime tea in your hand, and watch the beautiful and romantic "salted egg yolk" quietly~ In an instant, the fatigue of the whole week will gradually disappear with the sea breeze~
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# #Meco玩真的# ## 今天也是yami的一天 # 来了LA一个月了,终于来Santa Monica Beach打卡啦!🤪 最惬意的莫过于坐在松软的沙滩上,手里握着一杯meco青柠茶,静静地观看美丽又浪漫的“咸蛋黄”~ 瞬间整个星期的疲惫都会随着海风渐渐消逝~