Seeing the goods on the Internet, I was greedy, so I also bought two bags of seasoning bags of Bobo Chicken from Yamibuy.com. The first time I tested the water, I used the spicy flavor. Seasoning package, about 3 knives per package. Can be done twice. The practice is very simple: 1️⃣Mix the chicken stock and cold stock in proportion. 2️⃣Favorite ingredients are pre-cooked and skewered. 3️⃣ Soak the skewers in 1️⃣ seasoning for 10 minutes and serve. The ingredients are more casual, you can put meatballs, all kinds of meat, seafood, vegetables, soy products and so on. The beef tenderloin prepared this time is the most popular. The meat is marinated overnight (refer to the recipe below for the highest score of the kitchen skewers), and the taste is very tender and delicious. First time trying this Sichuan food and it feels so fresh. The soup is spicy and fragrant, very enjoyable. It's a little spicy, and students who can't eat spicy should add more broth when mixing the broth. After eating, there is no heavy smell at home, which is very suitable for homemade. thanks for watching
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yami_featured_image 看到 网上晒货,馋的不要不要的,于是也在亚米网购入了钵钵鸡的调料袋两包。第一次试水用了香辣口味。 调料包,每包3刀左右。可以做两次。做法非常简单: 1️⃣将钵钵鸡料和冷高汤按比例混合均匀。 2️⃣爱吃的食材预先煮熟,串成串。 3️⃣将串串浸在1️⃣调料里10分钟即可食用。 食材方面比较随意,可以放丸子,各种肉类,海鲜,蔬菜,豆制品等等。这次准备的牛里脊肉最受欢迎,肉事先腌制过夜(方子参考下厨房串串最高分),口感非常嫩滑入味。 第一次尝试这种四川美食,感觉很新鲜。汤汁麻辣鲜香,很过瘾。稍微有点辣,不能吃辣的同学在兑高汤的时候,多放点高汤制作。吃完,家里没有很重的气味,非常适合在家自制。 谢谢观赏