# 爱吃又想瘦 # Hawthorn slices and hawthorn fruit peel are really small snacks for all ages! The most common and popular variety. It can also be used as medicine. It is used as medicine to return to the spleen, stomach and liver meridians, and has the effects of digestion and accumulation, promoting blood circulation and dispersing blood stasis. Hawthorn slices are a kind of snack food. Eat appetizers before meals and digestion after meals, but no matter how you eat, don’t overdo it. Hawthorn slices are rich in protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus iron and vitamin C and other nutrients. Chinese medicine believes that hawthorn should not be supplemented, and those with weak spleen and stomach should not eat more. Healthy people should also eat hawthorn in moderation, especially children, who are in the period of tooth replacement. Long-term gluttony of hawthorn or hawthorn slices, hawthorn cakes, etc., is not good for the growth of teeth.
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# 爱吃又想瘦 # 山楂片和山楂果丹皮真是老少皆宜的小零食了吧!最普通,最流行的品种。亦可入药,入药归脾、胃、肝经,有消食化积、活血散瘀的功效。 山楂片是一种休闲食品,饭前吃开胃,饭后吃消食,但不论怎么吃,都不要过量。 山楂片含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、钙、磷铁和维生素C等营养成分,食后有生津开胃、助消化、降血压血脂等功效 中医认为,山楂只消不补,脾胃虚弱者不宜多食。健康的人食用山楂也应有所节制,尤其是儿童,正处于牙齿更替时期,长时间贪食山楂或山楂片、山楂糕等,对牙齿生长不利