I have a yellowish complexion, but I don’t have any acne marks, so I chose the purple isolation. The effect of the purple isolation is said to be able to modify the dull, yellow and lack of vitality haggard skin to a great extent, restore the skin’s moisturization and vitality, and make the skin more radiant. Reveals radiance and restores skin's healthy glow. I just got it today, and I will post my experience after using it. The Internet celebrity product has been planted to see if it lives up to its name 😊.
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我是偏黄肤色,但没什么痘印,所以就选择的紫色隔离,紫色隔离的效果据说可以很大限度的修饰暗陈,发黄且缺乏生气的憔悴肌肤,恢复肌肤的润泽和活力,使肌肤焕发出光彩,恢复肌肤的健康光泽。 今天刚到手,在我使用后将会发个使用感受,网红产品,被种草了,看看是否名副其实😊。