# 今天也是yami的一天 # # 消灭0评晒 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation491ed23bf54e46a081938 Biore Moisturizing Sunscreen: Another good product for the second repurchase! Stock it up! Even if winter is coming, sun protection can't be slack, after all, the sunshine in California is no joke! After applying it on the face, it will be a little white, and the complexion will be better; Affordable, cost-effective, easy to open; Contains alcohol, be careful with sensitive skin⚠️
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# 今天也是yami的一天 # # 消灭0评晒 # # 双十一必囤 # 碧柔水润防晒:又是二次回购好物!囤它! 就算是冬天快要到来,防晒也是不能松懈的,毕竟加州的阳光可不是闹着玩的! 涂上脸后有点微白,气色会好一点; 价格实惠,性价比高,容易推开; 有酒精成分,敏感肌慎入⚠️