# 双十一必囤 # I tried the lychee flavor last time, and this time I bought the mixed flavor of strawberry🍓 and blueberry. It is delicious and not greasy, fresh and delicious. 🍶There are also a lot of orchid seeds in it. Lanxiangzi has always been used as a gut scavenger. It can be used as afternoon tea🍵 and supper meal replacement. The calories are not high, so it is very suitable for girls and friends. 😋😋
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# 双十一必囤 # 上次试了荔枝味,这次买了草莓🍓和蓝莓的混合口味,很好喝不会觉得腻,清新可口。🍶里面还有好多兰香子,兰香子素来有肠道清道夫的作用,可作为下午茶🍵和夜宵代餐,热量也不高,很适合女生朋友哦😋😋