Yami Net Red Toothpaste is here 👆🏻 Both flavors are my love The fresh peach flavor belongs to the popular spicy chicken that steals hands in Wannian, but it really deserves its own popularity 🧚🏻The peach flavor is very fresh 🍑Every time I brush my teeth, it is a time to enjoy the summer. When I was bitten by a mosquito, I applied a little toothpaste on I ran into a friend on my arm and asked me why it smelled so good today 🙂 The other one is jasmine white tea. If the fresh peach flavor is used up and you feel like a girl with fresh fruit, then the white tea is like a little jasmine The smell of jasmine is really very fresh. After brushing my teeth, I feel like a fairy 🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️# 双十一必囤 #
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亚米网红牙膏在这里了👆🏻 这两个味道都是我的爱 鲜桃味属于万年抢断手的当红辣子鸡 但是它也确实对的起自己这个热度 🧚🏻桃子味特别清新 🍑每次刷牙都是一次享受 夏天的时候我被蚊子咬了就涂了一点牙膏在胳膊上 出门碰到朋友问我今天为什么这么好闻🙂 另一个就是茉莉白茶味了 如果说鲜桃味用完觉得自己是个水果清新女孩的话 白茶用完就是一朵小茉莉了 茉莉花味真的非常清新 刷完牙觉得自己仙气十足🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️# 双十一必囤 #