# 三食三餐 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation9512f50a0d1540aaa9f099 Although I have been to Japan a few times, I will not waste my appetite eating Ichiran in Japan 😂 There are so many delicious ramen restaurants in Ichiran... (Friendly reminder that the bent noodles are actually the fried noodles texture of instant noodles 😂 I suggest you to buy the straight noodles version! ) To be honest, regardless of the price, the soup in the instant ramen is really impressive! The oily taste is super strong... If you eat it by yourself, you can make a soft-hearted egg, and it is super happy with the noodle soup! (Although I always feel like the spicy food tastes like some kind of p0 food when I was a kid? Good tacos?) It's still worth a try!
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yami_featured_image # 三食三餐 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # 双十一必囤 # 虽然去了几次日本,但我才不会浪费自己的胃口在日本吃一兰呢😂比一兰好吃的拉面店那么多…… (友情提醒下弯面其实是方便面的油炸面质地😂建议大家还是买直面版好! ) 说句实话不看价格的话,速食拉面里一兰的汤头确实可圈可点!油脂味超级浓郁…自己吃的话可以做个溏心蛋,沾着面汤超幸福的! (不过我总觉得加了辣以后味道很像小时候某种膨化食品的味道?上好佳玉米卷?)还是蛮值得尝试一下的!