🌸Snack lovers are here to recommend delicious snacks again. This is the first time I bought this itchy tooth zizz vegetarian barbecue, and the result... I ate it all at once! It's delicious enough to be real, it's a soy product, but it really tastes the same as meat. 🌸 I complained when I first got it, only 5 sachets per pack! ? As a result, after tearing it apart and eating it, I felt that I bought less... When I came back, I tore a packet for him to eat, and he asked me what kind of meat it was😂 🌸Meat-eating babies must try it, the low-calorie real meat taste, the one that you definitely want to repurchase after eating. 11/136⃣️ # 双十一必囤 #
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🌸零食控吃货又来推荐好吃的零食了,这款牙痒痒滋滋素烤肉我第一次买,结果…一下子就吃完!够味,以假乱真,它是豆制品,但真的和肉的口感一毛一样。 🌸刚拿到手的时候我还抱怨,一包才5小袋!?结果撕开吃了以后才觉得买少了…大大回来的时候撕了一包给他吃,他还问我这是什么肉😂 🌸肉食宝宝们绝对要试试哦,低热量真肉口感,吃完绝对想要回购的那种。 11/136⃣️ # 双十一必囤 #