4. Lee Kum Kee Minced Garlic I'm really getting lazy, from the whole head of garlic with skin 🧄 to the peeled garlic granules in the supermarket, to buying minced garlic directly, mixing cold vegetables, dumpling dips, hot pot oil dishes without repeating it Minced garlic, just open it and use it, is it too convenient! Lazy Gospel! # 双十一必囤 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationcaff8e4a3f19e51341
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4. 李锦记·蒜蓉 我真的是越来越来懒,从一开始的整头带皮大蒜🧄到超市剥好皮的蒜粒,到直接买蒜蓉,拌凉菜、饺子蘸料、火锅油碟时可以不用再现弄蒜末了,直接打开就用,要不要太方便!懒人福音! # 双十一必囤 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # 懒人必备 #