🌸 Jinmei Ma Duck Salted Egg, I can't count how many times I have repurchased it. Every time I eat instant noodles, I will take one out and eat it. The key is that it is delicious and can't help it! 🌸The salted duck egg is quite big, the saltiness is just right, the egg yolk is super oily, and the oil is released when you poke it with chopsticks, the taste is very powdery, and it is super satisfying to eat, I will not tell you when I can’t find snacks to eat Will take out an empty stutter to eat...😂 🌸 When I bought it for the first time, it was in a small box. I just wanted to try it if it was delicious, but it was out of control. I kept repurchasing the big box. What are you waiting for if you have never eaten this brand, stock up! 11/139⃣️ # 双十一必囤 #
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🌸金梅麻鸭咸蛋,我已经数不清自己回购了多少回了,每次哪怕吃方便面也会拿出一只来吃,关键是好吃忍不住啊! 🌸咸鸭蛋个头算蛮大的了,咸度刚好,蛋黄油份超级足,用筷子一戳就出油,口感很粉,吃一口超满足,我不会告诉你们我找不到零食吃的时候会拿出来一只空口吃…😂 🌸之前第一次买的时候是小盒的,只是想试试好不好吃,结果一发不可收拾,一直回购大盒的了,没吃过这个牌子的还在等什么,囤起来啊! 11/139⃣️ # 双十一必囤 #