# 即食美味 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 双十一必囤 # Almond red barley powder bought by Yami's Double Eleven! It just couldn't be better! Super delicious, like the whole grain porridge sold at the school gate when I was in high school. And another great thing is that there is a spoon inside, just pour two spoons, add 200 ml of hot water, and you're done! Because I have bought one without a spoon before, I feel that it is not very easy to control, because sometimes I feel that the water is too thin, or the powder is too thick. This is just right! I gave my roommate a drink and kept praising this apricot red barley powder. After a long time, another sentence came out: You are really good. hahahahaha The ingredients in it are red barley flakes, oats, inulin, red bean flakes, milk powder, walnut kernels, yam, red date flakes, and raspberry powder. When I first looked at the pictures, I thought that the red one would taste dark, so I bought it with the thought of trying it out. result! Unexpectedly delicious! ! 😋 And the aroma of jujube wafted in the face when it was just opened. Really, I feel like these few words I said can't describe how delicious it is. And the bubbles are a little thick and not as thin as the granules. There is also a 120-calorie soak, with some bread or steamed buns, and the breakfast is well resolved. It also feels very friendly to people who are losing weight. After all, it takes five or six hundred calories to eat a meal now! And running this powder is also very time-saving. People who have morning classes or are going to work can just drink it and go out. In short, if the full score is 100 points, I can give 101 points! !
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yami_featured_image # 即食美味 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 双十一必囤 # 亚米双十一买的杏仁红薏仁粉! 简直不能太棒了!超级好喝,像我在读高中时学校门口卖的五谷杂粮粥。而且还有一点很棒,就是里头配个勺子,只要倒两勺,再加200毫升的热水就搞定了!因为之前买过不带勺子的,就感觉不是很好掌控,因为有的时候会觉得水倒多了稀,又或者是粉倒多了太稠。这个就刚刚好! 给室友喝了口,不停的称赞这个杏红薏仁粉,过了半天又冒出来一句:你这个确实不错。 哈哈哈哈哈 里头的成分有红薏仁片,燕麦,菊粉,红豆片,乳粉,核桃仁,山药,红枣片,树莓粉。 一开始看图片的时候还觉得红红的吃起来会不会很黑暗,就抱着试试看的心思买了。结果!出乎意料的好吃!!😋 而且刚打开的时候扑面而来的大枣香。 真的,感觉我说的这几句话都没法形容它的好喝。而且泡出来是有点稠不会像冲剂那样很稀。还有就是泡一次120卡,在配点面包或者包子什么的,早餐就很好的解决了。感觉对减肥的人来说也非常友好。毕竟现在吃一顿基本都要五六百卡呢!而且跑这个粉也很省时,有早课或者要去上班的人,完全可以喝一下就出门。 总之满分是100分的话,我能打101分!!