Lao Yang egg yolk cake is also one of Yami's out-of-stock kings. Every time it is put on the shelves, it is also very fast and disappears in seconds. Now for the sake of food, everyone has to rely on hand speed to grab it, It's not easy to eat to your heart's content. Each piece of Lao Yang egg yolk cake is individually packaged. There is only one piece in each pack. If you think that the smaller the amount, the better the control, then you are wrong. This is simply one after another can not stop eating, By the time your reaction comes back, you almost ate half of it😅. It has a very special taste and a rich layering. A bite is crispy and crunchy, Then the sweet and salty egg yolk tastes more and more intense, There is no yolk smell, especially delicious snacks for chasing dramas. # 双十一必囤 #
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老杨蛋黄饼也是亚米断货王之一, 每次上架也是很快又秒没, 现在为了美食大家都要靠手速来抢了, 能吃到心头好还真不容易。 老杨蛋黄饼每块都是独立包装, 每包里面只有一块, 你以为量越少越好控制那你就错了, 这根本就是一个又一个的停不下来的吃, 等你反应回来的时候差不多吃掉一大半了😅. 它的口感很特别,层次感很丰富, 咬一口是酥酥脆脆的, 然后香香甜甜咸成的蛋黄味道越来越浓郁, 没有蛋黄腥味,特别好吃的追剧小零食。 # 双十一必囤 #