🌸Eight-treasure porridge is always prepared at home. It is very convenient to eat it in an emergency. Open the lid and eat it immediately. If you like to eat hot, you can scald it with hot water through a jar. Taishan brand eight-treasure porridge is one of the brands that has been repurchasing. This time I repurchased the eight-treasure porridge with added oatmeal and brown sugar. It sounds very nutritious and healthy, right? ? I usually eat it as breakfast when I’m too lazy to make breakfast, or eat it as a snack when I’m hungry after watching a drama. Have you stocked up on Double Eleven? 11/147⃣️ # 双十一必囤 #
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🌸家里常备八宝粥,救急拿来吃太方便不过了,开盖即食,喜欢吃热的用热水隔着罐子烫一下就行,个人爱吃冰的,口感更佳。泰山牌八宝粥是一直回购的品牌之一,这次回购了添加燕麦款和黑糖八宝粥,听起来就很营养健康有没有!?平时懒得做早餐的时候当早饭吃,又或者追剧饿了当点心吃,双十一你囤了吗? 11/147⃣️ # 双十一必囤 #