🌸Lee Kum Kee Hong Kong old brand, besides their oyster sauce, my favorite is this Jinzhen soy sauce. It's super good when dipped in stir-fried vegetables. The freshness is not blown out. Bottle ~ no longer have to worry about accidentally running out of soy sauce and causing family members to go out to buy it 😂 Oh right, this soy sauce dipped in preserved egg is unexpectedly delicious, if you don’t believe me, try it! 11/149⃣️ # 双十一必囤 #
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🌸李锦记香港老品牌,我最爱的除了他们家的蚝油外,还有这款锦珍酱油,蘸着吃炒菜吃都超级棒,提鲜不是吹出来的,这次有货索性一下子囤两瓶~再也不用担心一不小心酱油用完差使家属出去买了😂哦对了,这款酱油蘸皮蛋吃意外好吃,不信你试试! 11/149⃣️ # 双十一必囤 #