I've used up a few boxes of makeup remover! 🧚🏻🧚🏻🧚🏻 Everyone knows that if you don't remove your makeup every night, your skin will get worse and worse, so even advanced cosmetics can't save your appearance! So removing makeup is really important! I cherish my face with my life, so I really spend my money on makeup removers. I have used all kinds of make-up remover products at big brand prices, and this is really the only make-up remover that I will repurchase indefinitely from this lifetime to eternity. First of all, my skin is dry and sensitive, and using a makeup remover or oil that is too oily will lead to the risk of acne breakouts. Writing here, I couldn't help but raise my hand and touch the pits on my forehead, wanting to cry without tears. Because the usual makeup is basically daily makeup, this makeup remover is the least stressful one for my skin, and it can be removed very cleanly! Everyone knows that you must be gentle and gentle when removing makeup! Otherwise, you will crawl all over your face before you get old and wrinkled! So it is very important to wet the eye area with lotion for ten seconds before wiping it. Then at this time, the advantages of this makeup remover are reflected: it is very cheap, and you won’t feel bad no matter how much you put it on (why do I have all The list should be emphasized that it is cheap and I want to cry). And it is enough, a bottle can be used every day for more than three months! The blue one is moisturizing and the pink one is for sensitive skin. I use it alternately to make a clean girl paper # 双十一必囤 #
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晒一晒我用掉几箱的卸妆水!🧚🏻🧚🏻🧚🏻 大家都知道每天晚上回家妆卸不干净整个人的皮肤就会越来越差 这样再高级的化妆品也救不了你的颜值了!所以卸妆真的很重要!我是拿生命爱惜我这张脸的,所以我真的在卸妆产品上不惜血本。各种大牌价位的卸妆产品我都用过,这个真的是我会无限回购此生到永久的唯一一个卸妆水。 首先我的肤质是干皮敏感肌,用太油的卸妆膏或者是卸妆油都会有闷痘的风险。写到这里我又忍不住抬手摸了摸脑门上的那些坑坑洼洼欲哭无泪。因为平时的妆基本上都是日常妆,所以这个卸妆水对我的皮肤来说是最没有压力的一款,并且可以卸的很干净!大家都知道卸妆的时候一定要温柔温柔!不然你还没老皱纹就满脸爬了!所以拿化妆水在眼部湿敷十秒钟再擦这一步十分重要,那么在这个时候这个卸妆水的优点就体现出来了:它很便宜,你倒再多都不会心疼的(为什么我所有的晒单都要强调便宜好想哭)。并且它够分量,一瓶我每天都用能用三个多月!蓝色的是保湿的 粉色的是针对敏感肤质的 我交替着用 做一个干干净净的女孩纸# 双十一必囤 #