# 双十一必囤 # It is more difficult to eat vermicelli in the United States than to go to the sky, so I am super excited to see that the taste of love is selling red bean konjac vermicelli, and I am also stocking up a lot. It is a relatively refreshing and sweet soup. There are many konjac noodles in the well-cooked red bean syrup, which tastes soft and crunchy. It tastes better after iced~ Relief from the heat
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# 双十一必囤 # 在美國想要吃粉粿比登天還難,所以看到愛之味有賣紅豆蒟蒻粉粿超級興奮,也是囤貨不少。屬於比較清爽甜湯,煮的剛好的紅豆糖水內有許多蒟蒻粉粿,吃起來軟軟脆脆的。冰過後更好吃~ 消暑聖品