Check out the latest lip balm products ✨ 1. La Mer's new lip balm Cool and cool is me 🌟 Added mint compared to the old version (Figure 4) (It feels like flying 💫) As for the effect, it is a normal and easy-to-use lip balm. Suitable for daily nourishing lips; The texture is a little sticky, But fortunately it feels cool to use (plus points); The texture of the bottle looks very high-end, But it's actually very light, Fairy essentials 🧚‍♀️ 2. Laneige Sleeping Lip Mask Easy to use, easy to use, easy to use! ! ! Important things to say three times 🌝 The texture is thicker, The mouth is shiny and shiny, But it's easy to use 🉑️ There was a powder can of original flavor that gave me mama before, Because it is useless, Now this is redeemed by Sephora points, Green apple flavor 🍏 love it to death Little cute ✨ 3. La Mer Lip Balm Um…  … 🤨 I don't know why Xiaohongshu has been very windy... But really not! good! use! 😣 cheat my feelings 🥺 (money) First of all, unsanitary, I used to be a bit of a clean freak. Later, everyone said to use the mouth directly... I bought it, Well, it does work, But if you use it when you go out, it's a bit... (at home) No cool feeling achieved true colorless, I don't look rough to apply lip balm, So it is very suitable for lipstick base 💄 The effect is also indistinct. If the skin still peels, the skin will still peel. Paint and play at home🤦🏻‍♀️ 4. Chanel Lip Balm Um… Please refer to La Mer old lip balm for the use and effect... The only advantages are: This can be taken out of the door to install b🤫 5. Laneige Lip Balm The effect is not as good as other lip masks; It feels very sticky to use. Please note that ⚠️ is not ordinary sticky, For the feeling of use, you can refer to Kiehl's lipstick (I shared it in my previous post); There are four flavors to choose from (I refuse 🙅🏻‍♀️) 6. DHC Lip Balm Don't talk about this For details🔎Refer to Yami's comments and sharing posts hhh There is another reason to put it at the end because It has been said before that this ingredient is not very safe I think hmmm... I don't dare to use it haha But I haven't had any problems during my use. Maybe it varies from person to person. In the end, cpb and Sulwhasoo are both used to make up the number hhh (I have shared it before~) # 大牌护肤 # # 美妆护肤种草 # # 换季护肤 # # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 双十一必囤 #
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yami_featured_image 扒一扒近期入的润唇产品✨ 1. La Mer新款润唇精华 清清凉凉就是我🌟 比起老版(图4)添加了mint (就是飞一样的感觉💫) 至于效果就是正常好用的润唇产品, 适合日常滋养唇部; 质地稍许有一些粘腻, 但好在使用感清凉(加分); 瓶子质感看上去很高级, 但其实很轻, 仙女必备🧚‍♀️ 2. 兰芝睡眠唇膜 好用 好用 好用!!! 重要的事情说三遍🌝 质地比较厚重, 上嘴就是油亮油亮的, 但就是好用🉑️ 之前有一个粉罐原味儿的给我mama了, 因为实在是用不完, 现在这个是Sephora积分兑换的, 青苹果味儿🍏爱死了 小小的巨可爱✨ 3. La Mer 润唇膏 嗯… ………🤨 不知道为什么小红书一直风很大… 但真的不!好!用!😣 欺骗我的感情🥺(金钱) 首先不卫生, 我本来就有点洁癖, 后来大家说直接用嘴… 我买了, 嗯,确实可行, 但是出门用的话就有点…(在家用吧) 没有啥清凉感(表里不一哼) 做到了真正的无色, 看不粗来涂了润唇膏, 因此非常适合做口红打底💄 效果也是看不粗来, 还起皮的还是会起皮, 在家涂着玩儿吧🤦🏻‍♀️ 4. Chanel 润唇膏 嗯… 使用感和效果请参照 La Mer 老版润唇膏… 唯一的优点就是: 这个可以拿出门装b🤫 5. 兰芝 润唇膏 效果没有它家唇膜好用; 使用感非常之粘腻, 请注意⚠️不是一般的粘腻, 使用感大家可以参照 Kiehl‘s 的唇膏 (我之前的帖子有分享过); 有四种口味可以选择 (我拒绝🙅🏻‍♀️) 6. DHC 润唇膏 这个就不讲了吧 详情🔎参照一下亚米的评论和分享贴hhh 放在最后还有一个原因是因为 之前有人说这个成分不是很安全 我觉得 嗯… 不太敢用了hhh 不过我使用期间没出啥毛病, 可能因人而异吧。 最后,cpb和雪花秀都是用来凑数的啦hhh (之前也有分享过哦~) # 大牌护肤 # # 美妆护肤种草 # # 换季护肤 # # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 双十一必囤 #