Take a look at the Internet celebrity makeup in those years and make a primer ✨ 1. Embryolisse French treasure Do not miss passing through, Dry skin savior is right, But the mixed oil means that it is also very useful when it is dry in autumn and winter! As long as the quantity is well controlled, Set your makeup well, No worries 🉑️ 2. Elixir Primer This has been introduced before, For oil control and invisible pores The effect is very good, Oil can be mixed in. 3. cpb moisturizing long tube isolation This is the recommended entry. Mixed oils can indeed be used. not very greasy; But not very moisturizing, So don't count on it if your skin is very dry, same, Combination skin can still get oily if you keep makeup on for too long. can modify skin tone, Some concealer effects. In general, No success. 4. La Mer The Perfecting Treatment Mine is a giveaway 7ml. I've always loved the taste of it. light pink, It looks very comfortable. This is actually on its official website It is a product with a full star rating. When I saw a blogger recommending that my skin is not good, Excellent effect; But forgive my poor skin condition recently, never experienced... And the feeling of use is very bad, I tried it with other products from it. Will rub mud. 5. Chanel Before Makeup liquid texture, Suitable for combination/oily skin; can brighten the skin, light concealer; Some oil control effect, Sunscreen is also good. Girls with good skin can use it directly as a base makeup product. Finally, as an oily-combination skin, I personally don't really feel the need for a primer before makeup. Because oil control can be better with setting spray and loose powder; for concealer, foundation can cover small flaws, and special concealer products are needed in serious cases; if the SPF is too low, it is better to use sunscreen directly, and many foundations also have SPF. All in all, before makeup is really tasteless to me. As for the isolation effect, I personally experience the use of oxygen skin foundation, the makeup effect is the best when there is no isolation. # 双十一必囤 # # 亚米真的6 # # 美妆推荐 # # 美妆护肤种草 #
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yami_featured_image 扒一扒那些年的网红妆前打底✨ 1. Embryolisse 法国大宝 走过路过不要错过, 干皮救星没错, 但混油表示秋冬干燥时也很好用! 只要量控制的好, 好好定妆, 没烦恼🉑️ 2. Elixir 妆前乳 这个之前有介绍过, 在控油和隐形毛孔方面 效果都很不错, 混油可以入。 3. cpb 滋润款长管隔离 这个是看推荐入的, 混油的确可以用, 不怎么油腻; 但也不是很滋润, 所以皮肤很干的话不要指望它, 同样的, 混油皮持妆太久还是会有出油现象。 可以修饰肤色, 有些遮瑕效果。 总的来说, 无功无过吧。 4. La Mer The Perfecting Treatment 我这个是赠品7ml。 它家的味道我一直都很爱, 淡淡的粉色, 看上去就很舒服的感觉。 这其实在它家官网 是一个评价满星的产品, 之前看有博主推荐说皮肤不好的时候, 效果极佳; 但原谅我最近皮肤状况贼差, 都没体验出来… 而且使用感非常不好, 我搭配它家其他产品试了, 会搓泥。 5. Chanel 妆前 液体质地, 适合混油/油皮; 可以提亮肤, 轻微遮瑕; 有些许控油效果, 防晒也不错, 皮肤很好的妹子可以直接当底妆产品使用。 最后,作为混油皮,我个人感觉真的不太需要妆前打底。因为控油可以用定妆喷雾和散粉效果更好;遮瑕呢,小瑕疵粉底就可以盖住,严重的需要用专门的遮瑕产品;防晒指数太低不如直接用防晒霜,而且很多粉底也带防晒指数。总的来说呢,妆前对我而言真的很鸡肋。至于隔离效果,我个人体验用氧肤粉底的话,不用隔离的时候妆效是最好的。 # 双十一必囤 # # 亚米真的6 # # 美妆推荐 # # 美妆护肤种草 #