# 即食美味 # Call this Yumei Hi Spicy Crazy! This is too convenient~ Vegetables/dried bean curd with powder bag and sauce bag, You can eat it directly 🤗 Perfect for a late night or afternoon snack! ! If it is not too troublesome, add some boiled vermicelli/instant noodles to mix together, It can also be used as a dinner, the taste is enough~ On the eve of Double Eleven, I entered two boxes and the beautiful pig box. It is delicious and happy. Many of the temporarily sold out and beautiful things on the official website can be cleaned up through the pig box. It's really great!
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yami_featured_image # 即食美味 # 给这个与美嗨辣呗疯狂打call! 这个也太方便了吧~ 蔬菜/豆干配上粉包、酱包一拌, 就可以直接吃啦🤗 超级适合当宵夜或者午后零食!! 要是不嫌麻烦,加点煮粉丝/泡面一起拌, 也可以当正餐哟,味道够够哒~ 这个双十一前夕,入了两箱与美猪猪箱,美味多多,开心多多,许多官网暂时售罄的与美好物都可以通过猪猪箱一网打尽,真的太棒啦!