❣Life❣ My love is exquisite small wooden comb ✨|Tan Carpenter ❥·Earlier, my classmates accompany me to go shopping in Shenzhen. We were deeply attracted by the wooden comb in Tan Carpenter's physical store. At the same time, we both fell in love with the Mulan-themed lacquer comb! The appearance of the comb is definitely not to be picked, it is practical and beautiful. It’s a pity that the Mulan series is so popular that there is only one left in the physical store. I had to give up my love to my classmates and choose other styles myself. In the end, I chose the long-handled airbag massage comb. 💃🏼 ❥·My massage comb is made of king wood, with elegant wood grain and dark brown thin stripes. The comb is matched with long golden hair sprayed with color paint. , Use it to comb your hair without hurting your scalp. The round balls of the comb and the massage function are also worth buying! 🎉 ❥·Actually, this comb of mine has a very beautiful pink gift box, but because of the overweight luggage, I had to discard the box... It’s a pity that I can’t take a picture for everyone to see! 😢 ❥·Finally remind everyone that this comb cannot be soaked in water and exposed to the sun, otherwise the phenomenon of pigment precipitation will occur! 💦 ❥·I hope you all enjoy watching my post! If you like it, please like, subscribe and leave a message to me! See you in our next post! 👸🏻 # 国货种草愿望清单 # # 双十一必囤 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationca69a3e989d649a3aa513
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❣生活❣ 我的愛不釋手精美小木梳 ✨|譚木匠 ❥·早前同學陪我去深圳逛街,我們在譚木匠實體店被木梳深深地被吸引著,我們同時間都看上了花木蘭主題的漆藝梳!梳子的顏值絕對是沒得挑,實用得來又好看。只可惜花木蘭系列人氣太旺盛,實體店居然只剩下最後一把,我只好忍心割愛給同學,自己選其他款式,最後我選了長髮奇緣長手柄氣囊按摩梳。💃🏼 ❥·我的按摩梳用的是國王木,木紋雅致,具有暗褐色細條紋,梳子配上彩漆噴繪的金色長髮,顏值也不比花木蘭系列差,而且使用氣墊會讓頭髮蓬鬆一點,用它來梳頭不會弄傷頭皮,梳子的圓圓小球,還有按摩的作用,也是很值得購入!🎉 ❥·其實我這款梳子是有一個很漂亮的粉紅色禮盒,不過因為行李超重,我只好把盒子捨棄...沒有辦法拍給大家看真的很可惜!😢 ❥·最後提醒大家這款梳子不能夠泡水暴曬,不然會出現色素析出的現象!💦 ❥·希望大家喜歡看我的曬貨!如果喜歡的話歡迎點贊 ,訂閱和留言給我!我們下一篇曬貨見!👸🏻 # 国货种草愿望清单 # # 双十一必囤 # # 年度美妆护肤大赏 #