# 双十一必囤 # It’s cold and I’m stocking up for the winter 😂 I bought three orders on Double Eleven and only remembered to take a picture of this order, and the ones I drank, I forgot to take a picture 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Picture 2 is an order that arrived a few days ago. The noodles were taken out and photographed separately. In fact, there are still many packages of Yum Chef's laksa and curry that were not included in the picture. Yum Chef Laksa has nothing to say, even if I have a mild taste, I like it very much. After all, I am a person who loves seafood and accepts the taste of Southeast Asia. If you meet the above two points, you must buy it! ! go buy it! ! Buy! ! ! When the mouth is light and boiled, put more water, and less water when the mouth is heavy. The point is to add seafood! ! Thief delicious! ! Lastly, sprinkle some chopped green onion! ! ! I bought the second pack of sauce noodles with this order. The previous one has already eaten up hhhhhh. After all, there are only four sachets, and it will be gone after sharing. The ingredients of the noodles are not very cost-effective, but fortunately, the onion flavor is strong and cooked You can add the ingredients yourself and then pour out the water and mix together. It's better than the other military dependents' village I bought before, this one is not so greasy. Another thing worth mentioning is Xiaobai's yogurt bread, which is not much better than the strips I bought before 🙃🙃🙃 The strips, whether it's yogurt or strawberry, are super rich in artificial flavor. Of course, I personally don't think it's as delicious as Haoshi's. I don't know when Yami will meet? ? ? As for the mushroom buns, it is suitable for soups when it is cold. Try it later and then comment on the taste. If it only looks good, there is nothing wrong with it. It's getting cold, everyone, be careful to keep warm~(●°u°●)​ 」
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# 双十一必囤 # 天冷囤货过冬😂双十一噼里啪啦买了三单只有这单记得开箱拍了张照,喝的那些还忘了拍了🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ 图二是前几天到的一单,面拿出来单独拍了,其实还有好多包百胜厨的叻沙和咖喱没入镜。 百胜厨叻沙没得说,即使我口味偏清淡也特别爱吃,毕竟是爱吃海鲜又接受东南亚口味的人,满足以上两点的一定要去买!!去买!!买!!!口淡就煮的时候水放多点,口重水放少点,重点是要加海鲜进去啊!!贼好吃!!最后自己再撒点葱花!!! 酱拌面加上这单买第二包了,之前的已经吃完了hhhhhh,毕竟才四小袋,share一下就没了😂就面的配料来看性价比不太高,不过好在葱香味浓郁,煮的时候可以自己加料然后把水倒掉一起拌。比以前买的另一个眷村还是啥的要好吃,这个没那么腻。 再一个值得说的就是小白的酸奶面包,这个比之前买的条状的不要好吃太多🙃🙃🙃条状那个无论是酸奶还是草莓味的都是超级浓郁人工香精味。当然个人觉得还是没有豪士的好吃,不知道亚米什么时候会上呢??? 至于菌菇包,天冷了适合煲汤喝,后面试试再评论味道如何,单看起来的话还行没啥毛病。 天冷了大家要注意保暖呀~(●°u°●)​ 」