Stewed noodles with beans is a typical home-cooked dish in northern families. I remember that I loved it when I was a child. I am very happy every time I hear about the stewed noodles with beans at home. Because it's so easy to make, I make braised noodles at home when I don't want to spend too much time cooking. The ingredients used are very small, but the taste is super fragrant. All the noodles are fully washed with the soup, and every bite is very satisfying. I think the essence of the braised noodles is the smell of garlic and vinegar that is simmered at the end before serving. You can use any part of the pork, but I personally think that the pork belly is the best when fried. All kinds of noodles can be used. Dry noodles or wet noodles can be used to make delicious stewed noodles, but the amount of water required for the two types is slightly different. <How to> 1. Heat oil in a hot pan, add chopped green onion, fry until fragrant, add sliced pork, season with salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and thirteen spices. 2. Add the cut beans, fry until they are broken, add boiling water to cover the ingredients, add some soy sauce, and bring to a boil. 3. After boiling, pour out a portion of the soup, spread the noodles flat into the pot and cover the pot. 4. Check the water every 5 minutes or so, and add some of the soup that started to pour out, until the noodles are cooked through. 5. Put garlic slices and vinegar before serving, turn off the heat and simmer for half a minute. # 温暖小厨房 #
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豆角焖面是北方家庭典型的一道家常菜,我记得小时候我特别爱吃,每次听到家里做豆角焖面都特别开心。 因为做起来非常容易,所以我在不想花太多时间做饭的时候就会在家里做焖面吃。用的食材非常少,但是搭配出来的味道超级香,所有的面条都洗足了汤汁,每吃一口都十分满足。我觉得焖面的精华是最后出锅前焖的蒜香和醋的味道。 猪肉可以用任何部位,我个人认为肥瘦相间的五花肉炒起来最好吃。面条用各种面都可以,干面条或者湿面条都可以做出好吃的焖面,只是两种需要的水量有些区别。 <做法> 1. 热锅烧油,加入葱花,炒香后加入切片的猪肉,放盐、生抽、老抽、十三香调味。 2. 加入切段的豆角,炒到断生后加入开水没过食材,再加入一些生抽,开大火烧开。 3. 烧开后盛出一部分汤汁,将面条平铺到锅里盖上锅盖。 4. 每5分钟左右查看一下水分,并加一些开始盛出的汤汁,直到面条熟透。 5. 出锅前放蒜片和醋,关火焖半分钟即可。 # 温暖小厨房 #