# 温暖小厨房 #Make a braised beef that is convenient for many days: 1. Buy the beef you like, cut it into pieces, add cooking wine and ginger slices in a pot under cold water, blanch the water, skim off the foam, and remove the beef. 3. Add oil in a wok/cast iron pot, add rock sugar, and fry until caramelized, add onion, ginger, garlic and onion to saute until fragrant, add beef and stir well, add bean paste and hot pot base to fry red oil. Add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, and seasoning bag (in the marinade bag, put cinnamon, star anise, spice leaves, pepper, cumin, vanilla fruit), add a bottle of beer, add water to cover the beef, boil over high heat, and simmer on low heat until you like the taste. (The base bean paste soy sauce has salt, if you like it a little saltier, you can add additional salt) 4. Clip out the beef, and filter the soup to remove impurities. (If you don’t mind the slag, you can omit it. Divide it into several small portions. Refrigerate it for three or two days, and it needs to be frozen for a longer period of time. 5. Tomato beef: Put a little oil in a small pot, sauté the onion, add tomato cubes, tomato sauce, fry until soft, add a small portion of braised beef, and simmer until delicious. The bibimbap is great. Potato beef/radish beef stew can be replicated in this way. Beef Noodles: Add water or broth to a small portion of beef, bring to a boil, noodles, and your favorite side dishes, cook and add salt according to taste. Steamed tofu with beef: cut a box of tender tofu into small pieces, spread a small portion of beef on the tofu, and steam for about 10 minutes. The same method can steam cabbage/mushroom. This recipe is just as delicious as roast pork ribs/pork feet. I bought vegetables on the weekends and stewed them in a pot while they were fresh. The meals on the weekdays can be quickly solved, saving time and effort and deliciousness, which is very suitable for winter.
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# 温暖小厨房 #做一次方便很多天的红烧牛肉: 1.买自己喜欢的牛肉部位,切块,凉水下锅加料酒姜片焯水,水开撇去浮沫,捞出牛肉。 3.炒锅/铸铁锅中加油,冰糖,炒到焦糖色时,下葱姜蒜洋葱爆香,下牛肉炒匀,加豆瓣酱和火锅底料炒出红油。加生抽、老抽、料包(卤料袋中放桂皮八角香叶花椒小茴香草果),加一瓶啤酒,加水没过牛肉,大火煮开,小火炖至自己喜欢的口感。(底料豆瓣酱酱油都有盐,如果喜欢咸一点的,另外加盐即可) 4.夹出牛肉,汤汁滤去杂质。(不介意有渣渣的可省略。分装成若干小份。三两天吃的冷藏,需要保存更久的冷冻。 5.番茄牛肉:小锅中稍微放点油,炒香洋葱,下番茄块,蕃茄酱,炒软,下小份红烧牛肉,炖煮至入味就可以了。拌饭拌面都很棒。土豆牛肉/萝卜炖牛肉可以依照这个方法复制。 牛肉面:小份牛肉加水或高汤,煮开,下面条,和自己喜欢的配菜,煮熟按口味加盐即可。 牛肉蒸豆腐:嫩豆腐一盒切小块,小份牛肉铺在豆腐上,蒸10分钟左右即可。同样方法可以蒸白菜/蘑菇。 此配方用来烧排骨/猪脚一样好吃。周末买了菜趁新鲜炖好一锅,工作日的伙食可以快速解决,省时省力又好吃,很适合冬天。