🦀️Little raccoon crispy noodles🦀️ "Little raccoon's crispy noodles have a new flavor, barbecue is the taste of barbecue, and the taste of barbecue is barbecue..." Did it evoke your childhood memories? I still remember the ad words! It's finally in stock! 🎉 When I was a child, I liked the taste of spicy crab, so this time I bought a few more bags of spicy crab, which is still a familiar taste! Although the amount is really too small! But it doesn't matter how big or small you can eat a familiar taste in a foreign country! Eat two bags! Ecstasy Spicy Crab! Really ecstasy! A must for the kitchen! # 温暖小厨房 # # 被二哥种草了 #
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yami_featured_image 🦀️小浣熊干脆面🦀️ “小浣熊的干脆面又出了新口味,barbecue就是烤肉味儿,烤肉味儿就是barbecue…” 有没有勾起你的童年回忆,广告词我到现在还记得!终于等到有货了!🎉 小时候最爱香辣蟹口味,所以这次香辣蟹多买几袋,还是熟悉的味道!虽然量是真的小太多了!但是在异国他乡能吃到熟悉的味道管他大小呢!小了就吃两袋! 销魂香辣蟹!真销魂!厨房必备! # 温暖小厨房 # # 被二哥种草了 #