Snail noodle is a delicious snack in Liuzhou, Guangxi. It is made from Liuzhou's unique rice noodle, plus sour bamboo shoots, fungus, peanuts, fried yuba, day lily, fresh green vegetables and other ingredients, as well as moderate hot and sour taste and boiled snail soup. , with sour, spicy, fresh, cool, hot flavor and the special smell of sour bamboo shoots. Authentic snail noodles do not include snail meat, but the soup is made with snails. The most characteristic soup of snail noodles is spicy and fishy. # 一秒变好吃 # My favorite is finally here, Yami is so powerful, I grab it as soon as it arrives.
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螺蛳粉是广西柳州的风味小吃,由柳州特有的米粉,加上酸笋、木耳、花生、油炸腐竹、黄花菜、鲜嫩青菜等配料及适度的酸辣味和煮螺蛳的汤水调合而成,具有酸、辣、鲜、爽、烫的风味及酸笋的特殊气味。 正宗的螺蛳粉不放螺蛳肉,只是汤用螺蛳熬成。螺蛳粉最大的特色汤有辣和腥的味道。 # 一秒变好吃 # 我最爱的终于到了,Yami真给力,一到货就先抢了。