Brooklyn Food Guide 🌟|Hot Pot Workshop 🍲 As the saying goes, "people who wear long pants in cold weather eat hot pot cold"~ 🌝 So there is nothing that a hot pot can't solve. The hot pot workshop in Brooklyn has been renovated and upgraded. So today I took my brother for a seafood dinner🦞~ Their buffet is divided into ordinary 21.95 seafood buffet 35.99. After the refurbishment, the interior of the store is much brighter and brighter than before. The self-service rotating table has removed the seats and I feel more comfortable to eat more~ If you go, it is recommended to choose the seafood buffet. If there are many people, they have a private KTV downstairs where you can eat and sing! I personally feel that the soup base and ingredients are better than before after the upgrade. However, I am not satisfied with the sauce table without sesame oil and only sesame oil 🌝 Fortunately, I brought my own sesame oil 🤣 I am a person who can't eat hot pot! This sesame oil from Dezhuang is also a must for real fragrant hot pot! There are many varieties of seafood and they are all quite fresh. Swimming shrimps are still alive and kicking~ The newly added snowflake beef is a little disappointed, the taste is not as good as the fat beef🤭 Taro is not recommended for frozen packaging, after all, the taste is not as fresh as it is. The snow crab legs were a bit salty, so I ate a plate, probably because I was afraid that everyone would eat too much...😂 There are many hot pot buffets in New York. This one cannot be considered excellent and can only be said to be ok. It is suitable for friends who like to eat seafood and live shrimp once in a while, right? Hot Pot Workshop Coordinates 📍828 64th St Brooklyn # 双十一必囤 # # 即食美味 # # 一秒变好吃 # # 纽约吃喝玩乐 # # 生活要有仪式感 #
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yami_featured_image 布鲁克林美食攻略🌟|火锅工坊Hot Pot🍲 俗话说“天冷穿秋裤人冷吃火锅”~ 🌝 所以没有什么事是一顿火锅解决不了的。 位于Brooklyn的火锅工坊重新装修升级改版啦。 所以今天拉着我哥一起去吃了顿海鲜大餐🦞~ 他们家的自助分为普通21.95海鲜自助35.99。 重新装修过后店内环境比之前宽敞明亮了许多。 自助旋转台撤掉了座位多吃饭也感觉比较舒适了~ 大家如果去的话建议还是选择海鲜自助比较有得吃。 要是人多的话他们楼下有包厢KTV可以边吃边唱! 我个人感觉升级过后汤底和食材比以前好了一些。 不过酱料台没有香油只有芝麻油这点我不满意🌝 还好我自带了香油🤣我是个吃火锅不能将就的人! 德庄的这个香油也是Real香哦吃火锅必备呀! 海鲜品种多也都蛮新鲜的游水虾🦐还活蹦乱跳的~ 新加的雪花牛有点小失望口感上还不如肥牛好吃🤭 芋头是冷冻包装的个人不推荐毕竟口感不如新鲜的。 雪蟹脚有点咸就吃了一盘大概也是怕大家吃多…😂 纽约自助火锅很多这家不能算优秀也只能说还行。 适合喜欢吃海鲜活虾的朋友偶尔吃一次还OK的吧~ 火锅工坊 坐标📍828 64th St Brooklyn # 双十一必囤 # # 即食美味 # # 一秒变好吃 # # 纽约吃喝玩乐 # # 生活要有仪式感 #