Flushing Food 🌟|Collide BBQ Fusion Meet Coordinates 📍36-50 Main St Flushing It must be for the Internet celebrity volcano 🌋 spare ribs 🌝 I ate it once during my trip to Thailand last year, it was unforgettable! ! I probably have eaten the original version, so I feel that the ribs I have come across are normal... 🤭 Thailand's keel is more sour and spicy, with more bones and less meat, and less fragrant! I can't stop chewing the broken bones. When I encounter a lot of keel meat, I feel very tired after eating a few more bites. The chili is a sharp pepper instead of a Thai pepper or a small green pepper is not spicy enough The hot and sour taste is not prominent enough, but the taste of the medicinal materials should be strong and not fragrant. A serving of ribs is really too much, and it takes more people to eat! Volcano ribs are new, so the clerk also came to ask us how it tasted After giving the opinion, the clerk also gave us a drink~ 😂 And the super popular shovel catching seafood before 🦞 is amazing! 🤣 The set we ordered included mussels, shrimp, crab legs, crayfish and sea melon seeds~ The side dishes are corn sausage, small fish balls and chips. Garlic butter is chosen. Lobster 🦞 is doing an event recently 🆓 The portion is also amazing… The seafood is still fresh, the crayfish is probably not in season, and the size is too small~ The sauce is quite fragrant, but the side dishes and seafood are not tasty enough~ After eating The Boil, it will inevitably be compared to other hand-caught seafood 😂 The Boil's garlic butter is so rich, even the potatoes are soft and delicious! In general, the experience of the meal is generally a gimmick freshness~ # 一秒变好吃 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 纽约吃喝玩乐 # # 生活要有仪式感 #
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法拉盛美食🌟|Collide BBQ Fusion 遇见 坐标📍36-50 Main St Flushing 必须是冲着网红火山🌋排骨来的🌝 去年泰国旅游吃过一次简直太难忘啦!! 大概是吃过原版所以觉得遇见的排骨一般般…🤭 泰国的龙骨酸辣味比较重骨头多肉少啃着香! 嚼碎骨头都有种香味辣辣的一根一根停不下来 遇见用的龙骨肉偏多啃多几口就觉得很腻而且柴 辣椒是用的尖椒而不是泰椒或者小青辣椒不够辣 酸辣味不够突出反而药材的味道要浓重一点不香 一份排骨的份量是真的太多了需要多几个人去吃! 火山排骨是新品所以店员也来问了我们味道如何 给了意见之后店员还给我们赠送了一扎饮料~ 😂 还有之前超火爆的铁铲手抓海鲜🦞架势惊人!🤣 我们点的套餐有青口有头虾蟹脚小龙虾海瓜子~ 配菜有玉米香肠小鱼丸薯条味道选的是蒜香黄油 龙虾🦞是近期在做活动🆓的份量也是惊人了… 海鲜都还算新鲜小龙虾大概不是季节个头都偏小~ 酱汁味道是挺香的但是配菜和海鲜都不够入味~ 吃过The Boil再吃其他家的手抓海鲜难免会比较😂 The Boil的蒜香黄油味道很浓就连土豆都软糯可口! 总体来说餐点的体验一般就是吃个噱头新鲜感~ # 一秒变好吃 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 纽约吃喝玩乐 # # 生活要有仪式感 #